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For Badminton Players Who Feel Stuck

"7x Badminton Champion Reveals His Secrets to Help You Win More Rallies In Your Very Next Game"

Professional badminton player Justin Ma reveals 7 hacks in his 'Badminton Secrets' eBook. Enjoy breaking through badminton plateaus - and become the best possible badminton player you can be.

As Seen In

The Badminton Secrets (Bundle)

  • The Badminton Secrets (Value: $19.95) (eBook)

  • Bonus #1 (Value: $9.95) - Badminton Serves Kit (Cheatsheet)

  • Bonus #2 (Value: $9.95) - Accurate Badminton Shots (Guidebook)

  • Bonus #3 (Value: $9.95) - Powerful Smash Secrets (Cheatsheet)

Value: $49.80.

Just $4.95 now. Price increases with every 10 sales.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

What Others Are Saying...

Curious About What You're Getting?

Here's just a mere fraction of everything you'll get inside the "badminton Secrets" Guide...

Hack #1: Shot Hack

On page 5

Unlock the simple 'Shot Hack' that I've picked up from a former badminton Olympian. Apply this hack, and you'll almost instantly win 30-50% more rallies.


Hack #2: Footwork Hack

On page 7

Discover the simple footwork hack that will allow you to hit more shots, and move across the court with ease (your opponents will think you're everywhere at once!).


Hack #3: Backhand Hack

On page 9

Struggling with a weak backhand? This hack will instantly allow you to get twice as much power from your backhand shots. Watch the shock on your opponent's face as your lightning-fast backhand zips past them, leaving no chance for a return.


Hack #4: Stamina Hack

On page 11

Forget boring cardio or endless gym workouts. This new stamina hack doubles your stamina on court and allows you to make up to 35% less mistakes (based on data analysis of my matches).


Hack #5: Shot Variety Hack

On page 13

Easily outwit your opponent with this simple hack that adds up to 5x more variety to your shots, leaving them guessing your next move. Finally, you'll be in complete control of the game.


Hack #6: Racket Hack

On page 15

Discover how to recover faster and use your most important tool of badminton to your advantage: Your racket. 99% of badminton players don't know this (including professional players), so this can be your unfair advantage.


finally, Say goodbye to Feeling Overwhelmed, Outclassed, Or Even 'Like A Burden' on the Court...

  • Tired of being stuck at the same level of badminton, be that beginner, intermediate or advanced, while your friends and colleagues are improving and leaving you behind?

  • Have you ever felt like a burden on the badminton court? Maybe you feel like a social outcast because everyone else plays at a higher level, but no matter what you do you can't keep up?

  • Are you frustrated because you lose points after points committing the same unforced errors? You may even feel slight anger, because your skills do not match your competitive ambitions?

In short, you ❤️ badminton...

...but are bored & frustrated because you don't progress, right? 😓

"Let Me Reveal To You My Hacks To Dominate Your Opponents On The Court In Your Very Next Game"

It took me 18 years to become a badminton master...

Skip the long journey and get my proven shortcuts to success.

From the desk of Justin Ma

It’s October 25th in 2023.

I’m in Copenhagen, Denmark at the Badminton World Championships.

The people in the crowd applaud as I walk off the stage after my final match.

A thought rises from deep within, giving me goosebumps:

"I've made it."

It took me 18 years to get to this position.

18 years to transition from a badminton beginner, to competing at the highest of levels - proving everyone wrong in the process.

As I sat down in the locker room, by myself, I wondered:

"Could I have Become A Great Badminton Player Faster?"

I mean, damn, 18 years is a really long time. Isn't it?

I thought back through my ups and downs as a badminton player:

  • The boredom and frustration when you deal with year-long plateaus...

  • The humiliation when you lose against the same opponent over-and-over again (because of unforced errors)...

  • The feeling of being a 'burden' when you play in a club or against friends that are better than you...

...and the often (in hindsight) easy solution to overcome these obstacles.

The answer became clear, but was hard to swallow:

Yes, I could have become a great badminton player, much, much faster.

I started imagining:

  • If young Justin had the same access to world-class coaches I have today, he'd improve faster. Right?

  • If young Justin somehow learned from the same mistakes I've made, he'd improve faster. Right?

And then it dawned on me...

If young Justin could just go for dinner with current Justin for 20min (and learn his secrets), he'd improve faster.


... if I were to go to dinner and had to share all my secrets to 'young Justin' in 20 minutes, what would I say?

The Secrets I Wish I knew Before I Started Playing Badminton

I started scribbling down in my notes app exactly what I'd teach 'young Justin'.

What started as a mental exercise turned into a polished guideline I'd use to coach other badminton players in-person, and online.

The Badminton Secrets (bundle) is the polished version of those guidelines.

It's everything you'd need to know to improve at badminton fast, no matter your experience level, age or country.

You might be:

  • A middle-aged working professional trying to get really, really good at badminton

  • A dad or a mother, trying to teach badminton to your kids (and be a great example)

  • A college student that likes to play badminton with your friends (and hates to lose too much rallies)

The 'Badminton Secrets' outlined in this bundle will work for your unique situation - guaranteed.

I've condensed much of my breakthrough moments of the last 18 years of playing badminton, so it doesn't take you the same time to become a badminton black belt.

The Badminton Secrets: Your Key To Unlock Your True Badminton Potential

Are you ready to get unstuck in your badminton game?

Are you ready to win more rallies in your very next game?

Then it's time to get your hands on the "Badminton Secrets", outlining 7 simple hacks to implement in your next game to win more rallies.

  • For all experience level! Beginner, intermediate and advanced badminton players will benefit from this guide. 

  • Designed to offer (almost) overnight improvement! Discover the hacks today, win more points in your next game.

  • Discover the badminton secrets from one of the best living badminton players: From footwork, to stamina hacks - everything is included to give you an unfair advantage in your next game.

But this is not all...

... if you sign up today you'll also get:

Plus 3 Bonuses Worth $29.85 When You Get The Badminton Secrets TODAY For FREE...

free bonus #1

4 Key Badminton Serves


Discover the 4 key badminton serves to master, and expert tips from a professional player.


free bonus #2

Accurate Badminton Shots


Unlock the blueprint to more accurate badminton shots.


free bonus #3

Powerful Smash Secrets


Discover the secrets to deliver devastating badminton smashes to your opponent.


and your Satisfaction is Guaranteed with our 30-day "Win More Rallies" money back guarantee

We're so confident that Justin's advice will help you break through your badminton plateaus and win more rallies in your very next game...

... so that we're happy to offer a "Win More Rallies" Money Back Guarantee.

Here's how it works:

If you read the "Badminton Secrets" in full - and at your very next game, you do not immediately win more rallies - we're happy to refund you your full purchase.

No questions asked.

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For Just $49.80 $4.95 Today

just $4.95 now - PRICE GOING UP to $49.80 SOON!

The Badminton Secrets (Bundle)

  • The Badminton Secrets (eBook)

  • Bonus #1 - 4 Badminton Key Serves (Cheatsheet)

  • Bonus #2 - Accurate Badminton Shots (Blueprint)

  • Bonus #3 - Powerful Smash Secrets (Guide)

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

More Happy Clients

How Young Guo Became One Of The Best Badminton Players At His Local Gym

Meet Young Guo: He transformed from one of the worst players at his local badminton club - to one of the best.

He's been working with me for over 3 months now. In that time:

1. He followed a clear step-by-step program that was tailored to his weaknesses
2. He learned directly from me, a 7x US Junior National Badminton Champion.

As a result, the consistency of his shots improved significantly, and it shows! He worked himself up in the player hierarchy at his local club, and the players at the club regularly ask him for his 'secret sauce'. :)

How Natasha Hsu Won 2 Bay Area Mixed Titles

Meet Natasha Hsu: Before working with me she was really frustrated about her mixed game.

I've created a step-by-step program for her, so she could improve her game quickly. I've also held her accountable in a positive way, analyzed her game - and gave her clear pointers to improve her game to the next level.

Now, she won 2x Bay Area mixed titles! Well done Natasha, you're awesome!

How Katie Chang Finally Felt Comfortable On The Badminton Court

Meet Katie: Before training with me, she hadn't had formal training in years and was just playing open gym with friends.

While working with me, she gained some quick improvement hacks and also learned to think more critically about her game.

Now, she looks forward to every week's practice! She feels much more comfortable on the court, and even plans to compete at a local tournament!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Kevin Barkman, One Of The Best Canadian Badminton Players, Shares His Unfiltered Opinion About Justin

“Badminton is such a diverse sport, that it’s easy to get confused and frustrated. Online badminton coaching helps you gain clarity. It helps you know which shots to pick, which strategy to pursue – and how to get better (quickly)!”

- Kevin Barkman, World Rank Of #147 (Badminton World Federation)

About Justin Ma

Hi there, I'm Justin 👋

I'm a 7x US Junior National Badminton Champion, a professional badminton player and part of the US national team.

According to the Badminton World Federation, my highest global rank is #126. This makes me one of the best badminton players in the US.

But enough of me tooting my horn. :)

I've created the Badminton Secrets bundle because I know that badminton is not easy. It may look easy, but it certainly isn't, right?

There are times when badminton is frustrating, you deal with plateaus - and it's difficult to climb out of that spot because the advice online is overwhelming.

That's why I've invested $100,000+ over the last 8 years of being a professional badminton player to learn from the best coaches alive. It made me a great player, but you may not have the same resources as I do.

So, I've created the Badminton Secrets bundle to make it affordable for everyone to be better at the sport you and me love, badminton.

To you winning more rallies,

frequently asked questions

Is this for complete badminton beginners?

Yes, absolutely! The 'Badminton Secrets' will work for you whether you're a complete beginner, an intermediate player or an advanced player.

The bundle contains most of the things I've learned in my professional career from the best of the best coaches. You can imagine this guide therefore as a window into the life of a professional athlete, with the access to world-class coaches and newest match analysis technology (that you can apply to your life for the fraction of the cost it took me to acquire it).

Does this work for me even if I'm 40, 50, 60, or 70 years old?

Yes, absolutely! While it's beneficial if you aim to be a professional player to start at the age of 5-10, you can still be a fantastic badminton player even when you start in your sixties.

Age is just a number, and badminton is a lifelong sport. If you're in your sixties, you can very much dominate your age category and be the best player among your friends.

Are you indeed a 7x Badminton Champion?

Yes, absolutely! I won the US Junior National Badminton Championship 7x. In the last 8 years of playing professional badminton, I've competed and won in international tournaments all around the globe.

My highest rank internationally, according to the Badminton World Federation, is #126. This makes me one of the best badminton players in the US. Not trying to toot my horn, but you asked. :)

Do you offer a refund guarantee?

Yes, absolutely! If you read through the book and you do not see visible improvements in your game in the next match (e.g. you winning more rallies) - you can send me an email at [email protected] - and I'll happily refund your full purchase price. No questions asked.

I have an additional question?

Sure thing! Please reach out to me and my team at [email protected]!

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